属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM C 1493-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 1279-1989
1 | 被某人忘掉, 记不起来 | die away from sb.’s memory | |
2 | 代之而起的是另一种永远不会到来的脚步声,分明已近在咫尺,却又永远逝去。 | Echoes of other steps that never came would be heard in their stead, and would die away for good when they seemed close at hand | |
3 | 当悔恨的剧痛终于渐渐消失,接踵而来的反而是庆幸。 | As the acuteness of this remorse began to die away , it was succeeded by a sense of joy | |
4 | 第三级是难以攀登的崇山峻岭,难以穿越的浩瀚沙漠。这里只有小块的土地适宜农牧业。新疆地区降雨很少,夹带雨水的台风风力不济,早已减弱,无法抵达中亚。 | The third is made up of unscalable mountains and impossible deserts. Only little pockets of land are good for farming or cattle raising. Central asian China receives very little rain, for the rain-laden typhoons die away long before they reach it. | |
5 | 弗尔南多也想这么说,但他的话却哽住了,他的嘴唇蠕动了一下,但始终没发出声音来。 | faintly murmured Fernand, but the word seemed to die away on his pale agitated lips, and a convulsive spasm passed over his countenance | |
6 | 用差动衰减系统钝化-活化中子计数法对废物中的核物质进行无损分析的标准试验方法 | Standard Test Method for Non-Destructive Assay of Nuclear Material in Waste by Passive and Active Neutron Counting Using a Differential Die-Away System | |
7 | 用摇瓶衰减弱法作生物降解的试验方法 | Test Method for Biodegradation by a Shake-Flask Die-Away Method | |
8 | 吕珂•弗里斯:我们要渐渐停止使用化石燃料。 | Lykke Friis: We’ll make burning fossil fuels die away . | |
9 | 他只能等待着恼人的笑声自行平息。 | He could only wait for the humiliating laughter to die away . | |
10 | 在中国现代文学史中,虽然旧诗退出了正统文坛,但是并没有寿终正寝。 | In the history of modern Chinese literature, Old Poetry did not die away from the world of formal literature. |